
Aberrant Decor. Urinals. Jockstraps. Cocks.

Okay. Not so much aberrant decoration as unnecessary. If you are going to piss what more do you need than a tree, a white porcelain bowl or a thirsty boy? Still, the idea of decorating or changing the shape of a urinal must have some appeal. Why else would anyone make a pot, a mouth to piss in?

I guess this is for a slow piss.

And these must be for a fragrant flow.

Preferring men in the nude or in yellow jockstraps I don't see much needs for the following but the ideas are unique. I wouldn't wear any of these, but for a costume party why not?

This foto of Frank is unnecessary, but I needed a quick peek. It's out of season and out of date.

Some of the following you have already seen if you've been following my posts for any time. Still, I promised unnecessary decoration and these are the epitome of the art.