
Saturday's scenery

I apologize to my regular readers for not posting yesterday, I was distracted by the necessity of arranging a meeting to discuss radical action in hopes of getting the Ryan White Act re-authorized. If no action is taken by the congress or senate in the next six weeks a hundred thousand men and women living with HIV and Aids will be left with no way to pay for medi-cations or services that they need to survive.
I'm not proselytizing, I'm giving you the facts.
What do I suggest you do? I'm not an activist in the style of the early ACTUP or ACT Now activists but that may be the only course we have now that we only have six weeks. The heroes that went before their time and gave their health for ours gave a good model for action. The new activists are large organizations that worry about compromise and representing every segment of the positive community. To Hell with that! The AIDS lobbyists are at work trying to craft bills that can pass through the legislature. It is time to take to the streets again.
I am not promoting another useless march on Washington. I'm suggesting that you! gather together with your friends and get it together enough to make your representatives know you exist. Every locale has A congressman and each state has two senators that have offices throughout the state. Why aren't we out front of each of those offices making our voices heard?
We have grown complacent on Social Security and Medicare.
Well, listen to me, you may not have a state sponsored prescription program after February if you don't speak up now!
What do our representatives need to hear?
1. a three year reauthorization is needed now
2. an increase in funding to meet the growing numbers is needed
3. we are republicans, democrats and independents but we vote or will if angered
4. don't expect the health care strategy to help us until it is in place and proven to work, we will not be the guinea pigs again.
That said, what am I going to do?
Early next week I have called a meeting of men and women with a large base of support in the community. I hope to put together a strategy that will reach enough of our local representatives, it's a large city with a number of representatives, to spur the action in at least one committee that has control of the RW Act.
A moment's diversion. Senator Kennedy has often been the Senator behind getting this type of bill passed. With the senator being ill and possibly on his death bed we are left with more questions than answers on support in the senate. Anyone with connections, no matter how distant , to Senator Dodd of Connecticut work them to get his attention. He is being over worked at the moment but we can't allow that to be the excuse for allowing the RW Act to slip through the cracks without being authorized once again.
There are continuing resolution that could allow the act to continue but we need something more definite and reassuring. There is no need for us to live with the stress of having this pulled out from under us. Do your part, no matter how large or small. It is a matter of life.


The whole picture

Whatever my mood is, it has leveled out. Surprising, considering all that has happened in the last week or two. Drama? No,there isn't much I can do about most of the situations that have arisen. For one thing I HAVE to quit smoking, I really enjoy it but it has started to affect my overall health. Conversations that were necessary at the agency have been completed, now I just have to watch for results. Family problems will either work out or not, there isn't much I can do to help at this distance and I'm not moving back to change the dynamic. Personal issues with BFF, I think I have finally settled them and feel much freer. All in all I feel good. You could say I'm looking at the big picture and not the details at this time. Hopefully that will enable me to not be bothered by every little bump in the road.
Speaking of pictures, I have brought together men that I think either have it all or are showing it all for you. Unfortunately these are almost all frontal shots, perhaps tomorrow I can turn them around and shoot the moon. Thinking about turning someone around reminds me of EZ in PS, I wish you would contact me.

Beautiful men with beautiful bodies put on display for us all. Anyone of these guys could drop by right now and I would do him. Must be feeling a bit horny besides free.


Why Wednesday?

Sitting here thinking about life in general and sex in particular I was questioning a lot of what I think of as interesting and other things I thought of as strange. The last thought led me to giving you a different blog this evening. If I questioned a certain action what would you, my readers, think of those same things? I won't ruin the blog with a lot of writing, but if you have an opinion feel free to let me know what you think of this strange behavior.
Pissing on a pie? Not as good as ice cream or just cream?
Fruit marinaded in piss? Let it be me, why waste it on cherries and grapefruit?
Pissing on your meat? I like it on mine straight from the tap.

Frank, I don't get this at all.

Cheerios? Get your daily dose of piss and lower your cholesterol?

Salad dressing? Nothing to say.

Making shredded wheat the breakfast of champions?

No need to heat up a good load of piss.

Beware, drugs do flow through piss and you might accidentally get high.

This is a fetish that I absolutely don't understand. Any ideas?

Any other odd uses for Piss?


Tuesday Toots

An interesting day, a friend's dog was put down, my mother went into the hospital and I am seeing life in black and white. There are no more maybes or shades of grey. The release I'm feeling has a lot to do with the matters I posted yesterday, it is surprising how much stress there is in a bad relationship.
Even better is the fact that the world seems to be holding more beauty than it did two days ago. How is that possible? Have my eyes been closed to the men around me or is the world a nicer place because of the Moon/Mars conjunction? I won't slow you down any more. Have a great time leering at the fotos I've distilled from many Internet sites.I'd bury myself in those pits for the night.

Carlos Freire. Almost too much.

Piss. Pure enjoyment.
Frank Fanucchi. I may stop giving you a daily shot of Frank, I need to move on.

Wouldn't you like the challenge of making that hard?

A nest of balls that invite worship.

Sorry about the arms, otherwise this might be the perfect butt.
Tonight's gallery, butts in B/W.

Manic Monday

Manic Monday. Haven't done much to be proud of today, just one thing. I stood up to the one that has been taking advantage of me for twelve years. I know that sounds rather sick, but I have always felt that each part of a partnership would get different satisfaction from the partnership and wasn't too worried about being taken for a ride until I was no longer getting any satisfaction. What will happen next? Who knows? I know that it is time for me to move on. One of the ways I'm going to do that is by starting to look for a man that can fill the gaps in my life. Generally speaking I'm happy with what I do and who I am so no I'm not looking for someone to make me happy or satisfied, maybe sated. Where I'm going to start looking I do not know. For the most part the bars and social scenes have never been the arena where I've found men; now that I'm not working my usual hunting ground is closed off to me. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Tonight I thought I'd double the work and give you two sets of Pits, pecs, piss, dick, balls and butt. The first is all Frank No surprise there is there, I seem to go back to him every time I think about setting off on a new course. Believe me, I know he and I will never move in the same circles. Nor will he succumb to the enticements I've printed here in the past.

Frank, what a waste. I would be more than happy to kneel at your feet and take that stream in my mouth or down my chest or in my crotch and ecstatically allow you to piss on my asshole.

Since I asked for your help in moving on I guess I should give you some guidance on the type of man I want.
6' to 7's
Not too thick.
Well read or educated
Sexually dominate, liking bj's, ass and piss play, but not sadism.
Good looking, great would be okay but not necessary.
No snoring.
Drinking, okay.
Smoking, okay.
Drugs, no good. (grass negotiable)
Talkative, I'm not.