Patriotic fever seizes the USA every year around the Fourth of July, celebrating our freedoms and the war that won them is a fact of life for every American born in this country. Parades, fireworks and flags punctuate not only our cities, towns and villages but also our individual celebrations. While wrapping ourselves in these nationalistic symbols is an innocent expression of our pride our leaders too often use the flag as an excuse to spout jingoistic nonsense that does nothing to improve the lives of the two hundred and thirty millions Americans that may be sinking into a decaying state.
What can we do to change that? Weekly or monthly we see examples of people around the world struggling with their governments to meet the desires of the populace. Why has America become so inured to the abuses and foolishness of our leaders that we fail to stand up, march or protest when our needs are not being prioritized by those we elect to office?
The answer is too simple to state without derision, the rewards offered by our society are too great to risk. Would you oppose the government when you risk losing your home, your job or your physical freedom? What must be wrong for YOU to stand up to the Establishment? Corruption"? Did you see any great outpouring of protest when Enron, Madoff, Stanford, etc where unmasked as thieves? Sure a few people went to jail for a few years, is that the limit of justice this country promises? Has there been any eruption of anger overtaking the populace since the political party spouting moral values as their basis has been exposed as the home of adultery and lies? A little in the press, but nothing in the street or at the registration sites. At least, the very least, infuriated voters should be swarming over the Secretaries of State demanding their registration in that party be removed from the state rolls.
Believe the government needs to improve its response to health care? Have you heard of one riot at an emergency room where too many people get their primary care? No. Has any one protested when a particular hospital owned by a local government puts its emergency room on drive by status? No.
With two million people losing their jobs in five months has anyone taken to the streets to demand a more timely response? No. As a nation we have become victims. We sit back and watch the idiot box waiting for a miraculous cure to our nation's woes while a few dedicated people strive against the status quo without our public support. Our vote is not enough. As a civilization in crisis we need to take our frustrations to those that can make a difference. Oppose those that fight to maintain the oligarchy of the past twenty years and thwart those that would replace an oligarchy with a theocracy.
Not only do we need to stand up for our rights, we need to march, fight, riot and revolt to move our country in the direction we hope to see. I am not naive enough to believe that all of those reading this believe in the same results. That is one of the freedoms that we need to guarantee does not fall into the past with other freedoms that we have given over to terroristic leaders such as the Bushes.

Toes, pits, nibs. Show us all your assets and support your country.

Seeing double, double. Raise the flag and show your pride, gentlemen.
