A quick word about what you may find and will not find here. There will be nudity, there won't be pornogra-phy. There will be opinion. There may be anger. Most of all I hope you find diferent ways to see beauty. All of what I stated is based on opinion. I don't expect you to agree all the time. If you violently disagree please find another blog to read and other images to view.
The weekend letters. Starting now with B&B, Butts and Balls. I hadn't planned on showing buttholes, but showing butts often allow the eyes to slip a bit closer to the essence of a man than is comfortable. Not that I haven't enjoyed the sight of one or more, just that fotos don't do the hole justice. The other half of the equation is the balls, there is no such thing as an ugly pair. They vary in size, coloration and in other ways. Still with all their variations balls and butts are three of a man's best attributes.