
Freaking Friday

Friday evening and the urge to get wet has come over me. I really can't say too much, tonight. I've been hard at work all week and have spent too much time trying to convince people that already have their minds made up of the falsity of their logic, it never works. I would have thought I had learned better years ago, obviously its a lesson I need to learn again and again. Hope you have a nice weekend, at least enjoy getting wet.

Pits. Not yet robbed of their natural state.
Pecs. Playful and pert.Abs. Not quite washboard, but wet enough to rub anyway.

Piss. Two that enjoy their play.
Frank Fanucchi. Totally fake.

Dick. Wash and rinse.

Balls. I don't know if that's water or oil.
Butt. Luscious looking, sticking up out of the water.

Feet. Wade in.

A gallery of men in different wet states.


Hectic humpday

If you are not on my private 'public' list for email you will not be receiving a post tonight, sorry.Me, by the time you get the chance to read this.

Twinges on Tuesday

I already told you about going out over the weekend, but I couldn't tell what felt wrong. Tonight sitting around at a meeting I realized that I missed the look of men in denim, especially tight revealing denim. With that said, here are a few fotos to help fill that void.Pits. We can argue all night whether he should be labeled, pecs, abs or pubes.
Pecs. Again one label doesn't do him justice.

Just drop them okay?
Smooth abs.
A commando style piss.

Frank Fanucchi. A twink trying to be a tough.
A man size mug of piss.
Dick. Too much for me.
Enough balls for dinner.

Jeremy. Wow!

Warmed and ready.

On your knees and lick them.


I've been threatening this week for some time now, I haven't been home one evening since Monday. What a change from my normal diurnal existence. Well, not really a change just an addition to the normal week. I capped the week off by heading out to a bar last night, I know twice in one month after years of non-participation. It was a strange night, wedding announcements, departures, new friends and old adversaries. The night was dark and men were in jeans, not like they would have been twenty years ago, but the ubiquitous Levi 501's have never faded from popularity even as the have become a style dinosaur. Something makes me believe that when the futuristic metallic suit becomes the uniform of the day that gay men will still be donning Levi's on their way out cruising. Perhaps tomorrow night I'll post men all in or out of their Levi's.Pits.

I don't know which foto to label pecs and which abs. You can choose your favorite, they are pretty interchangeable.


Frank Fanucchi.

Dick. As if you all need to be told.

Balls. Or abs, or hands.
Butt. Or slab or abs or legs.

Everyone looks better half hidden in black. Even me.