Last night I gave you a rather incoherent rant on breaking the color barrier in popular music. I feel I should apologize to the groups that were popular in the sixties and earlier that funded the companies that were later able to crack the gate wide open. Most notably I forgot to mention the Temptations, The Supremes and Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. All three groups were crossover hits before the Jackson Five arrived on the scene. If any one was offended by what I said last night I'm sorry, I was and remain a fan of Michael Jackson. He accomplished many things in his life, still he stood on the shoulders of many great singers that preceded him.
Tonight I want to concentrate on another problem with 'white' America, too often any person of Asian or Oriental descent are cast into the grouping people of color by Caucasians. This ignorance marks the 'white' race as a people lacking in color, ie. bland. Fortunately there have been many voices fighting this discrimination through the years not only in the broad society, but also in the music industry. Two names stand out that opened many of those same doors Afro-Americans have had to reopen for themselves, Tito Fuentes and Desi Arnez. Both of these musicians pried open television and recording contracts that had previously been barred to even the greatest of our Southern neighbors. Although she was able to appear in many movies and had a few songs recorded Carmen Miranda was never the star here that she had been in South America. We have often disgraced ourselves this way, hopefully through all the effort of some marvelous musicians we are learning to be more accepting of greatness in whatever package it arrives. There have been too many men and women working at their craft over the years to mention them all, so I salute you all right now.

Tonight I shall give you a peak at the lighter shade of
discrimination practiced in this country. How anyone could look at these men and not see their beauty is beyond my
comprehension. They do look different than the blonds I've featured other nights, often better
occasionally less attractive but always beautiful in their own way.

Few men of any background are better looking than this Brazilian model.


A little stockier than I like my men. Still, very attractive.

What a joy of life he portrays.

A body to kill for.

One of the most delectable men on the planet.
Edilson Nascimento. Tell me what you want and I'll do it.

Edible in any position.

Another of the world's best looking. Jeremy Tang.

Ricky Tang. I don't know if they are related. If so I want some of their genes.


Amazing men to watch. Or to suck their balls.

A different look of Asian beauty, the more effeminate male. Dress him up and spoil him. Or you could adapt to his enjoyment of piss.

Want to lick those armpits?That hardon?

That ass?
Fernando. Stay in one position, I might lose it if I have to move around you too much.

Very much an
Americanized look for Latino guys. Stay right there.
I'll be there to do you before the light fades.