give it a try.
The King is dead. Even if he wasn't truly the king of pop Michael Jackson certainly had a major following throughout the world including yours truly. I understand that 'Ben' was a love song for a boy to his pet, but I have often thought the haunting version of the song sung acappella should have been in every gay man's library of CD's. I've been trying to download a version I found on U-Tube, but am having trouble. Hopefully I will have solved the problem before I post this. I have heard many tributes to Michael today and find much of what is being said to be saccharine. His own words in this song could easily reflect on his life better than any of the well meaning eulogies. Michael, I hope your soul gets the rest it deserves before you come back to this world.
I have promised that I wouldn'e be poesting pornography on this blog. Tonight what I'm posting could be called that. I don't believe that images of men satisfying themselves by themselves is really pornographic. Honestly, it is beautiful to see a man love himself enough to cross this boundary by other ways than masturbation.