Life is a series of unexpected surprises (a bit redundant but who cares). Surfing the Internet it is possible to find almost anything anyone could possibly imagine and some that you would never care to. I believe all of the images I've posted today are false. Still, some of them are enticing. Anyone wanting some Justin timber?

The teenagers have this crush right. At least this foto doesn't have the bent dick the others I've seen have.

If you're going to fake a foto of Prince Harry wouldn't you give him a bigger dick? It is bigger than the fotos of his brother pissing available on the web.

When you look at the next foto you'll see why the boy hugging Chad Michael Murray is smiling.

I think the original of this foto had a basketball center stage.

This foto came from the movie 'Boogie Nights? right? Jealous of the makeup artists?

A younger version of Marky, it might be a true shot, I'm not sure and would never state that it is.

After this foto Ryan doesn't have to be worried about being stereotyped as that boy that will take his shirt off for any role.