It's with a great deal of regret that I move away from the core of the male body and proceed to the extremities. I'm not much of a legman myself, so if you're looking for legs I suggest trying Hotmalelegs.blogspot.com. As for feet there are lots of sites that specialize or at least feature feet to the exclusion of nearly every other part of the male body. While I have a mild foot fetish, I don't find it so overwhelming that I over look other parts of the body, especially nibs and dicks.

Seen from above the foot is more attractive than from the sole. Not more tasty but more attractive.
Lined up against a cock this way is there any comparison?

Gratuitous foto for those of you really into feet.
The guy in the sunglasses is Zack Randall, those feet have had more piss raining down on them than most men. Yet, I've never seen a shot of him like the small one.

Top or bottom? Take your pick.

Isn't he displaying a delightful buffet of choices? Where is one to start?


Such a casual pose for someone that is likely to excite such passion.

He's all yours. I'm not into the hairy/natural look.

Reader if you are at all regular you know by now that I will post at least one foto of Frank Fanucchi everyday, today's fotos fit the theme. I would still probably head for the seven inches in his hand before I dove at the feet. But Frank, if that is what it takes to get you to hose me down, you've got it.

I suppose if you have been advertising that you have eleven inches of hot cock an easy way to get someone to believe you is to show it next to a foot.

Just one foto of a boy going shrimping. Too bad he's into self service, I know right where that tongue would excite even me.
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