BALLS, A CONTINUATION. Last night I started an exploration of balls and tonight I'd like to continue that exploration. I'm aware that it might seem redundant, but I've always been fascinated by the differences in men's balls. Whether they snuggle up tight in the scrotum or hang low they all have their own appeal. I don't agree with whoever it was that said that men's cock and balls were the ugliest part of their body, they are far from ugly. When I saw the first picture was the first time I ever saw the phrase dude pot, it is a much nicer term than calling a woman's a box. Two warm eggs and a sausage nestled on a pair of legs, what could be better?
It is virtually impossible to show a pair of balls without displaying a cock, but try to concentrate on the balls. They are scrumptious! Yes, it's Frank Fanucchi. Frank take the quiz below, better yet come to Palm Springs, look me up and hose me down.

It is virtually impossible to show a pair of balls without displaying a cock, but try to concentrate on the balls. They are scrumptious! Yes, it's Frank Fanucchi. Frank take the quiz below, better yet come to Palm Springs, look me up and hose me down.

Double your pleasure double your fun, Wrigley would spit out his gum at hearing that blasphemous use of his jingle.

Yesterday I showed two fotos from this Easter party, here are two more to fill out a night that must have been quite a gala. How do you put a basket in a basket?


And this pair seems about right, Goldilocks.

Nine different sets that will get your saliva flowing. I can't believe there isn't at least one pair of balls that you would like to suck for at least fifteen minutes.

I want to reserve the dude in the chair for myself, OK? They look like they will fill me up with out getting in the way of my teeth.

Or is it this chair?
This marks the official end of the ballology for tonight. Tomorrow when I start on cocks there will be quite an abundance of balls on display so don't despair.

Most nights I have added a few fotos of guys pissing, drinking piss, or allowing others to piss on them. Those fotos are below, but I'd like an answer from the regular readers and any new visitor, what is the best way to enjoy another mans piss?

On your own cock?

On your stomach?

On your butt, your asshole? Or up your chute?

Across your entire body like Kyros?
Or in your mouth and over your entire body like he is doing here?
I didn't forget the first picture of the night, you can answer while pissing on myself like Dillon.

Across your entire body like Kyros?

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