I apology for the repetitious nature of
tonight's blog, my mind is exhausted. I don't quite know why, today was calm and untaxing. My posting will be jumbled, repetitious, etc. I'll try not to be too stupid. Maybe I should stop saying anything before I betray myself.

Jeremy Tang.

Still one of the most perfect guys I've ever seen.

Stylized beauty.

A perfect outline of perfection.

Two truly angelic beings.

So very nicely proportioned.

Want to see more? Me too.

Different parts of Asia, but still beautiful.
Double the pleasure.

Maybe Southern Pacific?
Such a darling.
Well photographed, well formed, and
indescribably delicious.
Lighting is the answer.

A web site that truly exploits the young Asian male. Piss, piss and more piss.

The Antithesis of the
other angels. Dark and seductive.

And back. That's the end.