
Pissing away the day

Was in a mood all day. As my father used to say I was just pissing my time away. So be it. I would have rather had someone with me doing the deed but no luck. FWB didn't come and give me a shower, he doesn't work tomorrow and I hoped he would show up after work tonight. Thus the mood? No. I woke up this way today, don't quite understand why.

This is all to say I'm skipping the colors I promised earlier this week and am going to show only fotos that have to do with watersports. I have promised to post no pornography. But what is pornography? The famous quote "I can't define it but I'd know it when I see it" doesn't mean much in a nation of 200 million. We all think of matters differently and what I may think of as visual pornography might be a vanilla representation of daily life to another man. What I think of as daily life may be extreme to many others. Two things I think need to be present to allow an image to be labelled pornographic are penetration or coerced violence. These are outside of the images most of us find offensive, most notoriously sexualization of children or abuse of animals.
Men willingly playing with, in or under piss doesn't fit any definition of pornography that I accept. Photographs of naked men alone, masturbating, pissing, satisfying themselves orally or anally are not pornographic. Because of the puritanical nature of our society I still will refrain from posting images of men penetrating each other. I may show one man drinking another's piss or enjoying a golden shower, If you object please feel free to let me know or to go elsewhere for images more to your taste.
There have been a few comments about the lack of diversity in my postings. I will try to do better in the future. Still I know what I find most interesting and will have trouble overcoming my own proclivities.
When you can't find a friend to share with, you might have to resort to extremes.

He really needs a friendly partner.

I remember doing this when I was in my teens. Not just once, many times.

Cute and a nice stream.

Serving yourself a drink without offering any to those around is a bit selfish, not to say impolite.

Still learning about pleasure.

I wish I could piss with my ass up in the air.

When there is no one else around this is a good way to get some satisfaction.

Save three gallons of water and enjoy the freedom we have won throughout the years of American revolutions.

Boys enjoying life, pissing away the day.

You could undress and shower yourselves.
A nice vitamin rich stream to re'cycle'.

Playing by themselves.

And with others. A threeway shower of pleasure.

Can't find anyone interested in recycling? Grab a buddy or two and watch the firewater flow.
If nothing else is happening lay down on the beach and give the crowd a show. Somebody will enjoy it. Maybe I'll be there and watch. too.