How idiotic we as humans are. We allow our moods to guide our actions when we should direct our moods through our actions. I am as guilty of this as anyone else, I speak from experience. when you look at the fotos I've chosen for this evening you will think my mood must have been dark today. Really it wasn't. I accomplished a number of things I've been putting off for months. Why? I was seeing life in black and white, today. Matters either mattered or they didn't. Besides accomplishing matters I also scratched items off my to do list with abandon. I hope that my current mood sticks around long enough that I will forget about the items I scratched off and will begin a new list of items that I wish to accomplish. One of the items I shall put high on that list is finding a man that is willing and able to satisfy my various needs and desires, a man that I can respect and possible love. For now I'd be happy with a man that I like and appreciates some of the same eccentricities that I do.

Pits. Not only pits, but a body to adore and worship.