I spent most of the day painting a bathroom, I hate the color I choose. How it came across on the card as matching one I've used elsewhere and once on the walls looks so different is beyond my feeble imagination.
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! I received an e-mail today looking for the link to some of the stories I've written for Nifty, it's been almost a year since I posted any. I was happy to hear that anyone was still interested in the stories. Maybe, I'll go back to writing stories for them, it was a good experience (both in imagination and discipline). The little writing I've done for this blog is nothing compared to the stories I was chronicling for their readers.
I stopped writing short stories and tried applying my hand to writing a novel. In time I have written at least four, none of which I am pleased enough with to attempt publishing. Part of the problem is that I am not certain I have anything to say that the public hasn't heard in better forms already. Over the past few months i have broken from the discipline necessary to write a full length piece. I would like to get back to that if there would be something that I thought I could contribute to an ongoing discussion in society. Most of what I've written is fluff, stories without any redeeming value other than brief character pyschs. I don't know why that isn't enough for me? Much of what passes for literature these days is no better and much of it is truly worse. Still, if I read a Pynchon or Fowles I feel my writing is of a caliber so far down the ladder of beauty that I despair of ever finding my own voice.

I might need my tongue with him, but certainly not my voice.