Manic Monday. Haven't done much to be proud of today, just one thing. I stood up to the one that has been taking advantage of me for twelve years. I know that sounds rather sick, but I have always felt that each part of a partnership would get different satisfaction from the partnership and wasn't too worried about being taken for a ride until I was no longer getting any satisfaction. What will happen next? Who knows? I know that it is time for me to move on. One of the ways I'm going to do that is by starting to look for a man that can fill the gaps in my life. Generally speaking I'm happy with what I do and who I am so no I'm not looking for someone to make me happy or satisfied, maybe sated. Where I'm going to start looking I do not know. For the most part the bars and social scenes have never been the arena where I've found men; now that I'm not working my usual hunting ground is closed off to me. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Tonight I thought I'd double the work and give you two sets of Pits, pecs, piss, dick, balls and butt. The first is all Frank No surprise there is there, I seem to go back to him every time I think about setting off on a new course. Believe me, I know he and I will never move in the same circles. Nor will he succumb to the enticements I've printed here in the past.

6' to 7's
Not too thick.
Well read or educated
Sexually dominate, liking bj's, ass and piss play, but not sadism.
Good looking, great would be okay but not necessary.
No snoring.
Drinking, okay.
Smoking, okay.
Drugs, no good. (grass negotiable)
Talkative, I'm not.