I've had a full day of dealing with others. Three different doctors and techs, neighbors and finally a meeting with many strong personalities. I'd say I am whipped, but knowing my readers you would get the idea that my butt is red and glowing with pleasure. In many ways I am glad the day is over, in others I wish I could get a mulligan. But that is not really what I want to talk to you about.
Tonight is August 25th, on September 30th The Ryan White Act hits a crisis, will HRSA cut off all administration of the act and assume that congress does not want to continue aiding those of us living with HIV/AIDS? Secretary Sebelius says no, but the HRSA lawyers say yes. So why are we in this quandary?
Congress/Senate and President Obama are so involved with health care reform that the deadline is approaching without any hearings, committee meetings or much conversation. We are being forgotten in the rush to get a much larger problem for the country solved. We cannot allow this to happen. I know I sound like one of those nuts preaching about a coming doom, yet unless we start standing up and grabbing the attention of our legislative leaders they are going to assume we no longer need this aid. Can any of you afford $20,000 or more in medications every year for the rest of your life? On top of your doctors' bill and medication can you afford those services that Ryan White grants provide in your area? What are you doing about it?
In Houston we have been relying on our providers to lobby for us, that has been a positive development but it is not enough. Many of our fellow HIVers have written letters or e-mails to their congressmen and senators, but that has not been enough. The time has come for action. However there is a problem. There is no longer an ACT UP or ACT NOW in the area and consumer groups have been tamed by their reliance on the Ryan White dole. Tonight as I met with other positive men and women and politically connected men and women from the community it became apparent to us all that the time has come for us to once again hit the streets. We don't want to be associated with the crazies that are shouting down health care reform or the Tea Partiers, we want action that will speak to the hearts and minds of our legislators.
What are you doing in your city or area to get attention? E-mail me at cbru49@gmail.com and I will post it here to inspire other communities. What are you doing to combat the apathy that has tucked in the HIV community and get them out to participate in this battle?
I know the simply fear of dying before our time should be enough, but simplified medication regiments have led many to believe we are living with a manageable disease when in fact AIDS still kills too many of our brothers and sisters. Get up off your asses and do something! There have been many calls for letter writing campaigns that have not been adequately heeded. WHO WILL WE HAVE TO BLAME IF THE RYAN WHITE ACT IS NOT REAUTHORIZED?
Would you want to see this boy die from AIDS because the government was too busy to help?